Dwie liczby, ale mówią wiele: 700 tys. osób – według ostatnich danych tylu podatników rozlicza się w Krakowie, 5 mld zł – niemal taka kwota ...
W 2024 roku Ekospalarnia pracowała stabilnie produkując znaczne ilości prądu i ciepła. Był to także pierwszy pełny rok eksploatacji instalacji odzysku ciepła ze spalin, która ...
Inspires and implements actions leading to increasing the efficiency of functioning public utility companies in Krakow and provides services related to city economy.
KHK SA as a capital group includes the following companies: Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa SA (Waterworks Kraków), Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne SA (Public Transportation Company), Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej SA (Municipal Heat Supply Company) and ARENA Kraków S.A. (Arena Krakow S.A.). Krakowski Holding Komunalny SA is the owner and operator of the Thermal Waste Treatment Plant in Krakow which is located in the Nowa Huta district at 23 Jerzego Giedroycia street.
The Thermal Waste Treatment Plant in Krakow, also called the Eco-incinerator, is the final element of the solid waste management system in Krakow. The solid waste of the Municipality of Krakow, from which recyclable materials have been separated earlier, is disposed of at the plant. The high tech Krakow Eco-incinerator, with an annual capacity of 245 thousand tonnes of waste and prepared to operate 8000 h/year, has been fitted with state-of-the-art technology meeting BAT standards and guaranteeing the highest standards of environmental protection.
The educational pathway presents the most important parts of the thermal waste conversion process
Please send an email to edukacja[at]khk.krakow.pl if you wish to visit the educational pathway in any other language than Polish.